
Journeying Through Soul Groups

Journeying Through Soul Groups

Have you ever heard people talk about ‘Soul Groups’? How much do you really know about them? This topic often comes up in my workshops and readings, so I wanted to dive deeper into it because it impacts all of us.

The idea of Soul Groups is ancient, but it gained a lot of attention thanks to the work of Michael Newton, PhD, and Brian Weiss. If you haven’t read their books, you should definitely check them out.

### The Essence of Soul Groups
Think of your Soul Group as a ‘family’ of kindred spirits that you journey with through different lifetimes. Not everyone in your Soul Group reincarnates every time; some might choose to stay in Spirit to work on their growth.

Your Soul Group sticks together across all your lifetimes. Like an army platoon, you’ve been on many missions together, building love and trust, which is crucial for achieving your group’s goals. Your soul has a specific role in these missions, which may be tied to your soul’s purpose or something separate. For instance, if your soul needs to learn about jealousy, this might play out during events like the Spanish Inquisition or other periods of religious persecution, which could be your Soul Group’s mission.

Your Soul Group can change genders, continents, cultures, and religions, adapting to whatever is necessary.

### Sub-Groups
Within your Soul Group, there are smaller groups. Each soul can have different roles within the group, like being a soulmate or a guide for multiple souls. You might be a soulmate for one person and a twin flame for another.

### Connecting With Other Soul Groups
Sometimes, your Soul Group can connect with another group, like through marriage or adoption, but these are exceptions. Such connections might happen to resolve a particular issue, like a ‘joint mission’.

### Soul Purpose & Soul Mission
Your soul has a purpose on Earth, and sometimes a life mission as well. Your Soul Group supports you in these endeavors, especially in cultural, religious, or racial missions. Souls are great multitaskers and can work on multiple themes or missions simultaneously.

### Proof of Soul Groups & Group Reincarnation
In the 1980s, a study found many people in the UK who, when regressed, recalled a life in southwest France as Cathars. They remembered being part of a collective that reincarnated together to achieve spiritual growth, often facing persecution.

### The Bond that Transcends Time
The connections between souls in your Soul Group go beyond time and space. These souls come together lifetime after lifetime to learn, grow, and support each other. Reuniting with the same souls makes it easier to focus on your mission because you already trust your team.

### The Karmic Threads
Karma isn’t punishment; it’s the thread weaving through your Soul Group’s experiences. It’s about balance and duality. If you’ve been wealthy in one life, you might experience poverty in another. Your actions in one life can significantly impact your Soul Group’s collective journey, like characters in a grand play where each act influences the next.

### The Healing Power of Regression
Brian Weiss has shown that past life regression can offer profound healing. Imagine a skilled therapist guiding you through your soul’s history. This therapy helps people reconnect with their Soul Groups, understand dynamics, and heal old wounds.

I’ve seen hundreds of people achieve healing through regression or by accessing the Akashic Records, which hold the history of your soul and all its incarnations.

### Reunion and Reflection
Soul Groups often reunite between lifetimes, like meeting old friends for dinner and reflection. These reunions are a chance to review past actions and plan the next steps on your karmic journey. Everyone you’ve known in this life or previous ones will be there, and your souls will recognize each other.

### Conclusion
Today, you’ve explored the fascinating world of Soul Groups. Michael Newton, PhD, and Brian Weiss have given us valuable insights into the timeless connections that bind us across lifetimes. The journey of the soul is a never-ending adventure, enriched by the company of our Soul Groups. Cheers to the mysteries of the soul, as timeless and intriguing as ever.

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