
Understanding Your Spiritual Mentors

Understanding Your Spiritual Mentors

You’ve probably heard of Spirit Guides, but did you know there are different types, each playing a unique role in your spiritual journey? Many people don’t realize how varied these Guides can be. Some come and go, while others stay with you from birth to death. There are even Guides that stick around for multiple lifetimes.

Let’s explore the different Guides in your spiritual team. You won’t have all of these Guides all the time; they appear as needed. For example, if math isn’t your strong suit but you want to dive into Numerology, you might need to call on a Guide to help you with this new subject. Once you’ve got the hang of it, that Guide might move on.

The best way to get to know your Guides is through meditation. It might take time, but it’s the most effective method. I also offer workshops where you can learn to connect and communicate with your Spirit Guides. If you’re not local or prefer to get started on your own, you can check out my eBook guide.