
Nurturing Young Coders

Nurturing Young Coders

### How Old Beliefs Impact Your Behavior

Growing up, many of us had grandparents or parents who believed that “children shouldn’t be seen or heard.” This old-fashioned idea, passed down through generations, was rooted in respect for elders and used as a tool for discipline. While today’s views have shifted, with many now believing children should express their opinions and personalities, this belief might still be ingrained in many of us.

Though it seems like a relic from the past, this belief can significantly influence your adult behavior. This week, my blog will explore how these old beliefs can cause behavioral issues in adulthood, often without you even realizing it. We’ll also look into Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how it can help you break free from these limiting beliefs.

Growing up with the idea that children shouldn’t be seen or heard can leave a lasting impact on your mind. It suggests that your voice doesn’t matter, your opinions are unimportant, and you should remain passive. This belief can stifle your self-expression, making it hard to assert yourself, communicate effectively, or express your needs.

As an adult, these past echoes can show up in various ways. You might struggle with low self-esteem, have trouble setting boundaries, or find it challenging to express your thoughts and ideas in both personal and professional settings. This can lead to issues like anxiety, self-doubt, and difficulties in building meaningful relationships.

### Health Impact

Interestingly, 80% of those with thyroid dysfunction are women. Culturally and socially, women haven’t been encouraged to express themselves as much as men, who are often seen as the voice of authority. When women can’t express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions, it’s no surprise that their throat chakra, which governs the thyroid, becomes unbalanced.

Moreover, around 66% of IBS sufferers are women. This isn’t surprising, as the digestive system is governed by the solar plexus chakra, which is the seat of emotion. For those who are empaths, this is a double whammy.

How can we be fully balanced and happy if we can’t be our true selves? If you’re not comfortable expressing yourself, how can you hold a position of authority without finding it a nightmare?

If you believe you “shouldn’t be seen,” you’re less likely to want to be in the spotlight, like an actor or musician. You’re more likely to wear understated clothes, act in an understated way, or just do whatever you can to blend into the background, all while desiring more.

### The Role of NLP

NLP is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. It focuses on understanding the connection between neurological processes, language, and behavioral patterns. NLP offers a structured approach to reshaping your beliefs and behaviors. Here’s how it can help you break free from the “children shouldn’t be seen or heard” mindset:

Even if you haven’t directly encountered this belief, its influence on previous generations in your family can still affect you. Your parents might have discouraged anything they saw as “being seen or heard,” like being the center of attention. They might have viewed this as showing off and discouraged it because they were raised with the same belief. We get our beliefs from those around us, not just our parents.

Regardless of where you come from, these deep-rooted beliefs can impact your self-esteem and communication style. They can shape how you see yourself, how you view the world, and what goals and wishes you have.

NLP is a universal tool that transcends borders. By embracing its techniques, you can transform your life, no matter your background. NLP offers a path to rediscover your voice, build self-confidence, and foster healthy relationships.

In conclusion, the old belief that “children shouldn’t be seen or heard” can unknowingly influence your adult behavior. NLP provides a roadmap to break free from these old beliefs and embrace a more confident, assertive, and self-expressive you. If you find yourself trapped in the echoes of the past, take a cue from NLP and start a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.