
Harnessing Your Inner Healing Abilities

Harnessing Your Inner Healing Abilities

### Why Yasmin Came to Me

Yasmin reached out to me because her body was locked up with pain. Despite seeing osteopaths, chiropractors, and acupuncturists, she found no relief. Fortunately, one of these professionals suggested she explore the possibility of stored emotional pain/trauma and recommended she seek help from someone who worked on that level.

Thanks to the universe, Yasmin was guided to me. She expressed that I seemed like the answer to her prayers and said, “you seem too good to be true!” We had a Discovery Call, which allowed us to get to know each other and determine if we wanted to work together. This call reinforced her desire to work with me and ensured I felt I could help her.

### Yasmin’s Past

Yasmin had endured physical, emotional, and mental abuse from various people both within and outside her family. She was discouraged from taking action or speaking about these events, trapping energy in her throat chakra (the center of communication) and her heart chakra (the seat of emotion). Both her parents came from abusive family backgrounds, adding ancestral trauma to the mix.

Over the years, Yasmin entered into unsafe relationships that caused her further pain. It seemed she was drawn to people who could hurt her. Despite being well-traveled and living abroad, her attempts to run away from her past and emotions only provided temporary respite. The stress and pain remained with her mind.

### Yasmin’s Present

When Yasmin came to me, her life was stable, but her behavior patterns continued to cause her pain and upset. This was another legacy from her childhood, where neither she nor her family respected personal boundaries.

Yasmin had no clear expectations from our sessions, which isn’t surprising given the intuitive nature of the process.

### Sessions

During the sessions, we ‘talked’ to the pain in her body, asking it to show or tell us about its origin and purpose. Yasmin’s physical and emotional selves could no longer bear the pain. Since it had been ignored for so long, her body sent a message demanding attention and action.

We used her personal time travel ability, which everyone has, to revisit and reframe her past experiences. We gave her younger self what she lacked at the time. Additionally, we removed emotional and energetic debris from her physical and energetic bodies, filling the void with beautiful Reiki.

### Outcome

Yasmin has now cleared her physical pain and feels like she can breathe again. Her family and friends are astounded by the changes in her, with some asking, “what have you done to me, they don’t recognize me!” This positive transformation is fantastic for everyone involved.

Currently, Yasmin doesn’t need my help as she’s using the tools we worked on together for further self-work. My door remains open for her, but after just three sessions, she feels like a new woman.

Yasmin still has more layers to uncover. I always remind clients that you can’t heal a lifetime of wounds in one session. I’ve been working on myself for years and still have layers to clear. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll find your center. It’s never too late to begin the healing process.

### Conclusion

Since the pandemic, there has been a rise in professionals like me who look at the emotional aspects of life to find the roots of physical conditions. Modern science is beginning to understand that mind, body, and soul are interconnected and should not be treated in isolation. By looking at the body holistically, we can work differently, effectively allowing healing to take place.

### Does This Sound Like You?

Do you have a health issue that’s making your life a nightmare or behavior that isn’t making you happy? You don’t need to live with it any longer. I have the skills to help you transform your life. You can decide right now to get my support and start living in a happier, more empowered way.