
Exploring Your Dual Nature

Exploring Your Dual Nature

We Are Male & Female – We Are Dualistic

Welcome to my blog! Today, I’ll be discussing how male and female behaviors and thinking influence us and exploring the belief in mind-body-spirit circles that balancing the yin/yang is essential.

I recently received feedback on a newsletter I sent out about channeling your inner goddess. A gentleman commented on the irony of receiving it as a male. While 90% of my mailing list is female, I informed him that everyone possesses both male and female energy, known as yin/yang. Our world is dualistic, with elements like good/bad and bitter/sweet, and we humans are no different.

You’ve probably heard phrases like “getting in touch with his feminine side” or “Mr. Metrosexual,” often said in a somewhat mocking way. However, balancing our male and female aspects is something everyone should strive for. Similar derogatory terms like “tomboyish,” “butch,” “androgynous,” and “gender-bending” are often used to describe women who balance their energies.

As a coach, I see how upbringing, role models, society, and media shape individuals. These influences can create internal conflicts. Here’s an exploration of the dynamics at play:

Exploring Gender Acuity: Navigating Influence and Balance

Gender roles, perceptions, and environments intertwine to shape our identities. From childhood to adulthood, the influences around us impact how we express masculinity or femininity. Let’s delve into how upbringing and societal expectations intersect with male and female acuity.

In many families, gender norms subtly shape upbringing. For instance, a girl growing up surrounded by male figures may adopt tomboyish traits to fit in. Similarly, boys raised in predominantly female environments might display more feminine characteristics as they seek connection. This doesn’t necessarily reflect their sexuality, but we all know men who are more effeminate and women who are more masculine.

Perception greatly shapes our understanding of gender roles. If girls sense that boys receive preferential treatment or more freedom, they might reject traditional femininity. Conversely, boys in environments where female traits are celebrated might feel more comfortable embracing their feminine side, sometimes leading to an imbalanced expression of masculine and feminine qualities. Boys may perceive that “girls get an easier ride” because they receive more love and affection or are treated less harshly.

Role Models and Their Impact

The presence or absence of positive role models further influences our perceptions of gender. Boys in households dominated by strong female figures might develop a more empathetic, emotionally attuned disposition due to a lack of relatable male role models. Similarly, girls without positive male role models might struggle to appreciate masculine traits, leading to a more fluid expression of gender identity.

In holistic views, the yin and yang symbolize the complementarity of masculine and feminine energies. Achieving harmony between these forces is considered essential for well-being. In terms of gender acuity, this balance is crucial for personal growth and fulfillment.

In Reiki, we look at the Governing Channel and the Functional Channel, representing the male and female aspects within us. Connecting these aspects establishes balance. The Yin & Yang symbol (two teardrops, each with an inner spot representing their opposite) shows that within the male, there is a female, and within the female, there is a male. Both are essential.


As a coach, I work with people facing various problems, often rooted in the past, whether from past lives, the womb, childhood, teenage, or adult years. Let me share some case studies to illustrate this, with permissions and details changed for anonymity.