
Craft A More Empowering Narrative

Craft A More Empowering Narrative

My Book Review of: ‘Tell Yourself A Better Lie’ by Marisa Peer

Why I Read This Book
As someone who loves podcasts and is an avid reader, this book caught my attention. I’ve heard the author, Marisa Peer, on a few podcasts and felt a strong connection since we both practice hypnotherapy. Marisa developed Rapid Transformational Therapy, which shares some elements with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) but is more intuitive, unlike the structured approach of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).

Marisa is passionate about helping people overcome trauma, fears, and behaviors that hold them back in life, aligning closely with my own work. She has also personally overcome cancer twice and faced many challenges by using positive thoughts and language.

We all tell ourselves stories about our lives, shaping our perspectives and behaviors. These stories may not be the absolute truth, but they become our reality. For example, you might believe you’re not good enough or that you’re unloved, and these beliefs can shape your actions and outcomes in life.

Marisa’s book focuses on how we can change these stories to create a more positive and empowering narrative, leading to happiness and health.

What I Got From It
The book is structured as a series of case studies. I chose to read one case study at a time rather than reading it cover to cover. Right away, I found new methods to incorporate into my work, which I’ve already used successfully with a client. While Marisa and I agree on many things, there were a few minor differences in perspective that didn’t significantly impact my overall impression.

I’m also considering expanding my training to include her techniques, as I believe they would enhance my current skillset. It’s definitely a course I’d like to take in the future.

Why I Recommend That You Read It
Many people act or speak without realizing the impact on themselves or others. If you have a behavior, belief, or situation that needs transformation, this book offers insights into why you think or act a certain way and shows you how to change it.

Therapists and counselors might find even more value in the book, as it provides a different perspective that can benefit both professional practice and personal development.

At 314 pages, this book is insightful for anyone, whether you’re a healer, therapist, or simply interested in personal growth. It’s an easy read and perfect for those curious about new techniques in alternative therapy.

Are You Ready To Transform Your Life?
Ready to transform your life and reach your full potential? Start your personal growth journey today! As an experienced NLP practitioner, coach, and healer, I can guide you through rapid transformational healing. Whether you want to overcome limiting beliefs, boost self-confidence, or achieve your goals, let’s work together to create lasting change. Contact me now for a complimentary consultation and start rewriting your story with empowering truths. The power to transform is within you—don’t wait any longer to discover the life you deserve!